Machine Learning On productionizing with ChatGPT If you've read about ChatGPT or tried out yourself, you'll have the following question: “How can I utilize this?” Many people are already using the ChatGPT website instead of the
NLP Google I/O 2021, NLP 위주 리뷰 Google I/O는 구글이 매년 신기술을 뽐내는 컨퍼런스입니다. 원래는 본사에서 락페스티벌 같은 느낌으로 이루어졌지만 올해는 버츄얼로 유튜브로만 생중계 되었습니다. 구글이라는 회사가 워낙 크고 다양한 제품을 가지고 있어 여러가지 프로젝트가 소개되었지만
Machine Learning Why Fighting Unintended Bias in Machine Learning Matters Machine learning (ML) models are susceptible to unintended biases as much as we do. The good news is we can design them not to be.
Machine Learning Building a Sound Event Detection model for a smart home device How can machines understand different sounds? I will introduce two different works that I explored to build laughter and baby crying detection models.
Machine Learning Algorithmic (Nerdy) Approach to find a room in Tokyo #1 How can I increase my chance of landing into a dream room? What should be my best strategy? Luckily, I was reading the right book to help me go through this stressful decision-making process: by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths.
NLP Reducing Gender Bias in Automatic Abusive Language Detection Fighting abusive language (a.k.a. hate speech, toxic comments) online is becoming more and more important in a world where online social media plays a significant role in shaping the minds of people.
NLP Does Google Translate make Language Education obsolete? Thoughts on language education in the era of artificial intelligence. In the era of machine translation, should we stop learning foreign languages?
NLP Finding Good Representations of Emotions for Text Classification Abstract of my Master of Philosophy Thesis It is important for machines to interpret human emotions properly for better human-machine communications, as emotion is an essential part of human-to-human communications.
NLP Teaching machines to read emotions in texts with emojis and hashtags Grasping other person’s emotions or sentiments through a text is challenging even for humans sometimes. I bet you also have an experience that once you were reading someone’s
Self Next 다음 I finally decided to what to do after graduation — research in the area of artificial intelligence. It was indeed a surprising decision — even for myself — to jump into research since